Saturday, June 23, 2012


In the world of organic gardening, there are plenty of great resources available to both new and experienced organic gardeners alike. There are many e-guides, books, videos, and other resources available. This set of tips contains some of the best advice for helping a good organic gardener become a great organic gardener.
You can create your own organic pest repellent by mixing onion, garlic, and chives with some water to make your own anti-pest spray. Mix some garlic and onions with water for a natural pest deterrent.
When preparing a home-cooked meal, save your excess vegetable trimmings and mix them in with the soil in your garden. This will help get nutrients back into your growing plants. Add some to your compost pile and bury some pieces right away.
You can mix raked leaves with the soil in your garden to make great organic compost. When the leaves decompose, they turn into a nutrient rich organic compost, providing a healthy addition to your garden soil. This won't cost you a penny, and will benefit your garden in many ways.
Be sure to plant some strawberries for your children and grandchildren. Ever-bearing ones are especially nice. Kids delight in the idea of growing things and seeing how things change over time. Explain every step to your child and he or she will hang on to your every word.
When planting trees and shrubs, dig irregular holes with rough sides. You may inhibit the growth of roots if you have any glazed holes.
Find out as much as possible about your different options if you need to use a product on your plants. Rather than dousing your garden with chemical fertilizers, use an organic alternative. Compost is a great example of what to use. Inorganic materials, such as those found in commercial fertilizers, are responsible for toxic chemical build-up in both soil and drinking water. This can be avoided by using eco-friendly organic methods.
Plant your own garlic with organic methods. Cloves of garlic should be planted in well-drained soil with frequent watering in either the fall or spring. Put them an inch or two down into the soil with the pointed end up placed about four inches apart. You can cut the shoots of green garlic as they are growing and use them as an alternative to scallions and chives. The garlic is ready to be picked when the tops turn brown. Leave the bulbs out to dry and exposed to the sun for a few days so that the skin hardens a bit. Store them somewhere cool, in tied bunches or loose.
Healthy soil doesn't harbor disease and can be of tremendous benefit in helping your plants be as healthy as possible. Even though there will still be insects, plants will not be damaged by them.
When you are planning on growing a garden, you should think about the space you will need to provide a healthy growing area for your plants. When the garden is bare, it is sometimes hard to envision how much space a mature plant actually needs. Proper spacing is important not just to accommodate the plants' sizes but also for air circulation. Because of this, you should always take the time to ensure that there's enough distance between all your seeds.
Try using a beer trap to naturally eradicate slugs from your organic garden. Bury a canning jar so that the open mouth and the soil top are level. Now, fill the jar with beer to approximately an inch below the lip. Beer is especially attractive to slugs; they will be lured to it and trapped.
Mulch should be added to your flower bed and garden using at least 3 inches of material that is organic. This will add nutrients to your soil, keep it moist, stop the growth of weeds and keep the garden looking beautiful.
Becoming a skilled organic gardener isn't going to happen overnight, but if you can use the information you have learned here, you can certainly work toward becoming great at it. Knowing how to make use of the wealth of information out there is important. Grow an aesthetically pleasing organic garden that will feed you well by applying the simple tips you got in this article.